Jordana Goldrich

Egg-White Breakfast Sandwich

Jordana Goldrich
Egg-White Breakfast Sandwich


  • 12 tbsp all white egg whites
  • 2 sliced all natural turkey bacon
  • romaine lettuce
  • 1/4 avocado
  • sliced red tomato
  • 2 slices dave's thin sliced killer bread (or light multi-grain english muffin)
  • dash of pepper and salt


  1. Heat a small pan over medium-high heat and pour in liquid egg whites. Shape into a patty form and flip until cooked.
  2. Heat small skillet and cook turkey bacon for 5 minutes flipping occasionally until desired crispiness. (or you can microwave if it allows)
  3. Lightly toast english muffin or bread slices.
  4. Take avocado and spread evenly on bread.
  5. Place egg white patty on top of avocado spread.
  6. Add on the lettuce, tomato slice, turkey bacon, and a dash of salt and pepper.
  7. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts: One Sandwich

Calories: 332

Protein: 38g

Carbohydrates: 28g

Fiber: 10g

Fat: 10g