Ab Focused HIIT Workout
To perform this workout correctly, perform each round 3x. After all 3 exercises in the round, give yourself 30 seconds of rest. After all 3 repetitions, give yourself 90 seconds rest before moving onto the next round.
Round 1
- Farmers Carry with Sandbag 30 seconds
- Jumping Lunge 30 seconds
- Incline Plank 1 minute
30 seconds rest, then repeat two more times
Round 2
- Oblique Twists with Rizors 45 seconds (start with 4 rizors on one side, move them to the other side one by one and then keep going back and forth)
- Mountain Climbers 30 seconds
- Flutter kicks with 25 pound plate on core 35 seconds
30 seconds rest, then repeat two more times
Round 3
- Burpees 30 seconds
- Battle Ropes 30 seconds
- Push-up Elbow Planks 30 seconds (start with elbow plank position and move up to push-up style plank, go up and down until time is up)
30 seconds rest, then repeat two more times
Cool Down: (These are all only done once)
1. 25 reverse crunches
2. 25 laying down leg lifts with stability ball between legs
3. 1-minute push up plank