Nutrition By Jordana

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Chest & Triceps Combination

The perfect workout to get rid of that frustrating armpit fat and flab around the triceps area. :) 

1. Dumbbell Chest Flyes 3 sets / 12-15 reps

2. Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 sets/ 12-15 reps

3. Dumbbell Bicep Curls 3 sets/ 12-15 reps

4. Standing Cable Flyes 3 sets/ 12-15 reps

5. Triceps Cable Pushdown 3 sets/ 12-15 reps

6. Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 3 sets/ 12-15 reps

7. Tricep Dips on Flat Bench 3 sets/ 15 reps

8. Chest Flyes on Machine (pectoral fly machine) 3 sets/ 15 reps

9. Push Ups 3 sets/ 12 reps

10. Lay down on floor with 25 pound plate. Hold will be positioned right above chest. Use plate to do chest presses. (laying down chest presses) 3 sets/ 12 reps

11. Elbow Plank using Bosu Ball- 1 minute