Jordana Goldrich

Alcohol 101

Jordana Goldrich
Alcohol 101

I have been asked multiple times to make a post regarding the after effects of a big night out drinking. Not only do you wake up feeling hungover and anxious, most of the time you feel bloated and "puffy."

Luckily, there are a few ways you can help fight this battle. Post-drinking puffiness is a feeling that is too real. Alcohol irritate's the lining of the stomach and strains the liver, which leads to bloating and maybe even pain. Also, since your body is in dehydration mode, it also causes you to retain water, which is why your whole body feels swollen the next day. And anything carbonated like soda, mixers, beer, or champagne can lead to excess bloat too. You probably notice when you wake up in the middle of the night, or the next morning, and your mouth feels like a desert and you begin chugging water, your stomach expands and it feels like every last drop of water is just staying in you. Well- that's because it is. The human body is so advanced, that when you are dehydrated, a defense mechanism your body has is to hold onto the water you consume. (like a camel) Your body senses a feeling of emergency so in order to level itself out, it retains that water and holds onto it for hours. Then, when you wake up and eat salty meal to help battle that hangover, your body holds onto that water even more!!

This might not sound like the best hangover snack, but one of the best ways to release that water weight, is to eat fruit (the best ones being, watermelons, bananas, blueberries or strawberries). These fruits are dense in water and will help hydrate you, they also contain vitamin C, which works as a diuretic to help flush out extra water your body is holding onto. These fruits are loaded with potassium, magnesium and L-citrulline, which are important for the body's electrolyte levels and has been shown to boost blood circulation, which will help your body to flush out toxins and help with fatigued muscles.  

Another helpful action is to drink water infused with lemon. Citrus fruits like lemon, are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives sluggish bowels a kick. This lemon will help your body banish toxins and eliminate that horrible puffiness.

My favorite remedy is to drink Pedialyte right when you wake up in the morning. Pedialyte Advanced Care Plus has 98% more electrolytes and minerals than water, and 50% more electrolytes than Gatorade or Powerade. This makes this electrolyte drink, the most mineral potent beverage you can put in your body for extreme hydration. Pedialyte quickly replenishes zinc, fluids, and electrolytes to make you feel better quick. This is why it is recommended for babies who get sick with stomach bugs and diarrhea. You will be surprised how much better you feel after drinking a few servings of this throughout the day. It will help your body replenish itself, so it doesn't feel the need to hold onto every drop of water you consume. Another option for hydration is coconut water as it is also high in electrolytes and potassium, however Pedialyte is much stronger and has a better taste, in my opinion. 

A few other options to go with if you don't have fruit or Pedialyte around are green tea, ginger and greek yogurt. These all have powerful detoxifying effects and contain potassium and other important minerals. You can even mix these all into a smoothie for a better taste and a soothing drink. 

**For more information on calorie content in certain alcoholic beverages, see my handout titled "Booze Guide" in the more section.**